People Predisposed to Hate or Love
It's a base assumption in our society that we all have freedom of choice to love or hate, whether people, products or anything else. New research shows that you and I are actually following a script, that when we each love or hate, we're simply are doing what we are predisposed to do. Freedom of choice apparently doesn't exist, at least according to this research. Here's an edited version of the press release, parsed according to my predispositions and not my freedom of choice. Why Do Haters Have to Hate? Newly Identified Personality Trait Holds Clues New research has uncovered the reason why some people seem to dislike everything while others seem to like everything. Apparently, it's all part of our individual personality -- a dimension that researchers have coined "dispositional attitude." People with a positive dispositional attitude have a strong tendency to like things, whereas people with a negative dispositional attitude have a str...