The Sinister Side of Mental Illness
First, hope all the little ghosts and goblins in your life have a safe, fun Halloween. My grandkids are of an age to dress as something clever and cute, and to show up looking for whatever sugary treat they can mooch off this old goat. Second, a bumper sticker most of us have seen at more than one writer's conference: " Writer's block is that condition when the voices in your head stop talking to you ." The article below explains this odd reference. Third, let me apologize to all my left-handed friends for making a joke I'm sure they've heard far too often, and for posting the almost as tasteless note under two, above. The article below will explain my egregious but typical lapses of taste. Hey, do you know that. . . Lefties are significantly more likely to suffer schizophrenia? According to a new report out of Yale, it seems that lefties are significantly more likely to suffer disorders such as schizophrenia....