Is racism hardwired into our brains?
Source: I grew up in the sixties, a time great turmoil, attending all white-schools, living in an all white neighborhood, attending an all white church, with friends that all were white. It was comfortable. One thing that was stressed to us by family and friends was to avoid the minority sections of town ~ it wasn't safe there. Suggested reading Click on image As I grew older, I joined the military and had my first close contact living and working with blacks and other minorities. While I was hesitant at first, I made friends. In college, there were as many minorities, and as I grew to know them as people, I made friends again, learning along the way that these were people just like me, with the same drives, goals and problems. When I entered the work force, the same happened again. I have to admit that there were and still are times I felt uncomfortable and nervous, but as I learned and grew as a person I came...