Your Brain Activity Can Predict if You Might Commit a Crime.
Credit: Bob Elbert, Iowa State University Iowa State researchers measured brain activity to better understand cybersecurity threats and identify what motivates employees to violate company policy. Scientists are making amazing and scary breakthroughs in predicting who may one day commit a criminal act. In this study, researchers measured the activity in the brains of test subjects when presented with a variety of situations to see if there are measurable activity differences between people who may or may not commit a crime in the future. Sound like something out of a sci-fi movie? Stephen Spielberg's 2002 film, Minority Report, is based on the idea of being able to predict crime. In the movie, based on a short story by Philip K. Dick and adapted into a screenplay by Scott Frank, crime is predicted through the use of three psychic "pre-cogs" who work in unison in "PreCrime", a specialized police department. Without getting into the ...