Mood Instability and Your Characters
You're putting together a character who's mood simply bounces all over the place, happy one moment, in a fit of rage the next. Researchers at King's College London note that this sort of mood instability is part of a number of mental health disorders. So how do you structure the personality and behavior of a character like this? Below is the King's College report, along with a brief description from, of typical behavior, sometimes in the extreme, of a person who is very emotionally unstable. This is offered strictly as a guide for crafting character in fiction - and NOT for the amateur diagnosis of the state of someone's mental health. That is always best left to trained professionals. Another note about emotionally unstable behavior: as any parent will tell you, this is how adolescents and teen-agers often behave. It's a normal part of growing up - but it is a matter of degree . In th...