How "beardedness" affects women's attraction to men To many authors it appears designing a protagonist is a process of making them über-masculine, often to the point of parody. What this research points out is that a man with a beard is seen by most women as a better match than the hyper-masculine. Or the almost feminine. A small point perhaps, but something to consider. How beardedness affects women's attraction to men "Extremely masculine and extremely feminine-looking males were least attractive." New research suggests that women tend to find beardedness attractive when judging long-term relationships, perhaps as a signal of formidability among males and the potential to provide direct benefits, such as enhanced fertility and survival, to females. For the study, investigators used computer graphic manipulation to morph male faces varying in facial hair from clean-shaven, light stubble, heavy stubble, and full beards, with additional differences in brow ridge, cheekbones, jawline, an...