Too Many Pictures In Your Young Reader Book Hurts Learning.
C redit: © junce11 / Fotolia Mother and son reading together. Having fewer illustration can lead to better word learning among pre-schoolers. Picture overload hinders children's word learning from storybooks Less is more when it comes to helping children learn new vocabulary from picture books, according to a new study. While publishers look to produce ever more colourful and exciting texts to entice buyers, University of Sussex psychologists have shown that having more than one illustration per page results in poorer word learning among pre-schoolers. The findings, published in Infant and Child Development, present a simple solution to parents and nursery teachers for some of the challenges of pre-school education and could help in the development of learning materials for young children. Doctoral researcher and co-author Zoe Flack said: "Luckily, children like hearing stories, and adults like reading them to children. But children who are too you...