War Leaves 17 Women for Every Man
Source: Psychology Today This report of a "Y-chromosone Bottleneck" that occurred seven thousand years ago raises some interesting questions. In it, the author theorizes that war may have the effect of simplifying the male genome to the point that it's like having but one man for every 17 women. Sounds like a male fantasy, but is it good for humanity and the potential for our survival on our planet? Research shows that healthy populations depend on genetic diversity such as in this report from 2015, Genetic Diversity Linked to Today's Taller, Smarter People . So if war has the effect of creating a male genome bottleneck, does the bottleneck limit the diversity needed to maintain a healthy population? Could genetic bottlenecks be the reason that some militarily aggressive cultures such as the ancient Romans and Greeks are very peaceful today? i.e., have they had the aggression breed out of them by years of wars in which the most warlike men died ...