Writing a 'thank you' note is more powerful than we realize
Thanks to all of the thousands that follow my humble little blog. Your support means so very much to me. - Jim * * * * * Writing a 'thank you' note is more powerful than we realize, study shows New research proves writing letters of gratitude, like Jimmy Fallon's 'Thank You Notes,' is a pro-social experience people should commit to more often. The gesture improves well-being for not only letter writers but recipients as well. Published in Psychological Science, research conducted by assistant professor of marketing in the McCombs School of Business at UT Amit Kumar and Nicholas Epley at The University of Chicago asked participants, in three different experiments, to write a letter of gratitude to someone who's done something nice for them and then anticipate the recipient's reaction. In each experiment, letter writers overestimated how awkward recipients would feel about the gesture and underestimated how surprised and positive...