"Up Periscope" soon a thing of the past
Crew members of the Starship Enterprise watching an object on the ship's tele-visor screen. Is this a reality in our near future? I t's always a tense moment when the captain of a submarine comes shallow and raises the ship's periscope. What's he going to see? An anti-submarine destroyer bearing down on his ship? A freighter or other target of opportunity? Suggested reading click on image It appears that the periscope is soon to be replaced by a screen, perhaps similar to the large visor screen on the Starship Enterprise or from the movie and television show, "Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea." A team of Technion-Israel Institute of Technology researchers has developed an underwater imaging system that allows submariners to view objects above the water's surface - without a periscope. The unique technology gets around the inevitable distortion caused by the water-surface waves when using a submerged camera because of the sharp refractive d...