What is on Terrorists' Minds?
As authors and screenwriters, it's our unenviable job to interpret what's going on in the world to our readers and viewers. Take the highly emotionally charged topic of terrorism and terrorists. Act of terror either by groups or isolated lone wolf terrorists seem to happen daily and almost anywhere. Fear of terrorism has become a fact of modern life. What are these people thinking when they plan or execute an attack? According to this research led by Sumitra Sri Bhashyam and Gilberto Montibeller, one reason anti-terror officials find it hard to predict attacks is predictive modelling that assumes a rational mind trying to achieve clear objects effectively and efficiently. As researchers across a number of fields are pointing out, the rational conscious mind gives us an impression of being in control of our thoughts and actions but that in reality our conscious self only acts as a "traffic cop" between thoughts and impulses generated in different parts of ou...