Unhappy in a relationship? Why do you stay?
Source: Power of Positivity A story that may effect the development of your romantic comedies. Why do people stay in unhappy relationships? Simply put, it's concern for the partner of the unhappy person. This research doesn't offer solutions to this situation, but does help our understanding of why people behave the way they do. NOTE: Within five minutes this post had 16 hits, the fastest hit rate of any story I've posted. Might say something of how people feel. Here's the story: * * * * * When you are unhappy in a relationship, why do you stay? The answer may surprise you. Study that finds it's not just the investment of time, resources and emotion Why do people stay in unsatisfying romantic relationships? A new study suggests it may be because they view leaving as bad for their partner. The study, being published in the November 2018 issue of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, e...